Sponsored by the French General Secretary for the Citizen consultations, this project permitted to 353 students to express themselves about the past, the present and the future of the European Union.

Divided into small groups (about 10 students per group), the students took part in 2 thematic workshops they had chosen beforehand among the following possibilities: agriculture, ecology, economy, politics and citizenship, mobility and migration, health, defence and security, justice, education, culture.

This moment of debates and discussions was a great success and permitted students to express 164 propositions to build the European Union of tomorrow.

These proposals, and several observations, were collected and compiled in a special document, available following the link below, which represents the program of ESCP students for Europe. 

To bring more value and strength to these 164 propositions, Tribunes ESCP offers the possibility to everyone to express itself about the propositions and evaluate them, in order to say to what extend it shares them or not.

Thus, if you want to take part in this vote, please follow the link : https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/96CVHPN ; the vote will close on November, 30th.

To download the document with the 164 proposals click here

